Sandra Patricia Rodríguez Ávila
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

oan Wallach Scott es profesora del School of Social Science del Institute for Advanced Study en Princeton. Ha publicado diversos artículos sobre la relación polémica entre el género y la universalización de la política democrática. Entre sus libros: The Glassworkers of Carmaux: French Craftsmen and Political Action in Nineteenth Century City (1974); Women, Work and Family (coatora con Louise Tilly -1978); Gender and the Politics of History. (1988); Only Paradoxes to Offer : French Feminists and the Rights of Man. (1996); Going Public: Feminism and the Shifting Boundaries of the Private Sphere (edited with Debra Keates – 2004) y Parité: Sexual Difference and the Crisis of French Universalism (2005).