Laura Varela Mora
Universidad Antonio Nariño (Colombia)

Yuri Romero Picón
Universidad Antonio Nariño (Colombia)


This paper is based on the political, economical, and social confrontations between the farmers and the landowners in the region known as Sumapaz and west Tolima, central Colombia. In particular, this paper analyzes the personal experiences of Juan de la Cruz Varela, who was a leading activist among the farmers of Sumapaz and West Tolima from 1928 until his death in 1984. It emphasizes the role he played as an agrarian leader, on the political ideas which formed his thought, the negotiations he led with the deputies and councilmen in pro of peasant interest, and the difficulties he had to face in his long life of political activity.

Keywords: Agrarian movements, Alto Sumapaz, Oriente del Tolima, violence in Colombia, activism