Nieves Lucely Hernández Castro
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca


Inhabitants of informal housing construct their habitat out of self-managed impulses and constructive production within determined physical surroundings in a specific enironment. The inhabitants establish direct relationships of accessibility and sustainability while implanting themselves in one place. Throughout the different stages of consolidation they create permanent presence and achieve growth of the district and the houses. The general mission of this work is to establish the relation between the sustainability of the informal house and the context of non-sustainability in which it develops, the former expressed through the construction the latter through the implantation. To develop this study, a case study produced in 2003 and 2004 is used, which was carried out in the neighborhood of Puerta al Llano in the Southwest of Bogota and is currently in the process of consolidation.

Keywords: Housing, sustainability, construction, management, informal.