Ramiro Rodríguez
Orcid ID: 7284-5438
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia

Sandra del Pilar Gómez Contreras
Orcid ID:
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia

Uva Falla Ramírez
Orcid ID:
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia


Social work operates under the same power matrix as other social sciences. Under that approach, we intend to analyze professional intervention, situating it in two directions: the mechanisms of disciplinary power and the techniques of life management and government. The analysis leads to suggest that their prestige is focused in the ability to give a vehicle to the effects of biopolitical power, which —along with discipline— make up its object of knowledge-power. The mechanism this is going to use is intervention, with a single purpose, that burst phenomena come back to their normal course. Essentially, it means to intervene to regulate populational phenomena. This article analyses the phenomenon of violence and murder against women, focusing particularly in professional intervention, as it considers that social work is introduced as a security mechanism for the government and control of phenomena falling within its scope.

Keywords: Biopolitics, security device, population, micro resistances.