Marcela A. País Andrade
Orcid ID:
Universidad de Buenos Aires / Conicet, Argentina


Through the lens provided by the intersection between decolonial epistemologies and certain contemporary feminist views, this paper (re)signifies key concepts within the framework of an Argentina case study on sociocultural policies on a gender approach: policy, youth, and women. Naturalizing those notions within and from sociocultural public policies in today’s Argentina leads to reproduce views informing young women as a homogeneous population, on the basis of given specific, distinctive, a priori defined traits —basically, as a troublesome and vulnerable population. Consequently, this paper argues that current epistemic debates associated to socio-cultural public policies should be addressed from a historical and critical view, which in its key concepts should (re)build the impositions, negotiations, resistances, and fights on the basis of the (re)production of colonial power in particular contexts and social groups.

Keywords: decolonial approach, feminisms, young women, policies.