Elkin Rubiano
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Universidad Externado de Colombia
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano


The author of this essay evaluates some of the theoretical assumptions formed aroundsocial sciences in respect to new technologies, information technologies and communica-tion. On the one hand, it is considered that those technologies have become a vehicle ofpolitical mobilization of global dimensions, configuring a «global agora»; on the otherhand, it is assumed that those new technologies facilitate the construction of free, autono-mous and reflexive beings. In this text, both approaches are discussed with the support of«critical theory». Finally, the author takes position—confronting academic scholars that seethe possibility of emancipation in those new technologies. The author appeals to conduct atype of analysis that has been left out by academics: political economy. This analysis is urgentin this phase of late capitalism.

Keywords: Technology, subjects, utopia, politics, economy.