Astrid Ulloa
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

In Colombia, Indigenous peoples’ basic demands include: autonomy and self-determination. However, autonomic dynamics led by various peoples on territorial control, their own jurisdical practices, plans of life, environmental management and food sovereignty consolidation pose challenges and issues. Indigenous peoples’ autonomy is influenced and related to local and transnational contexts, y to the current state changes (dynamics of economic development, armed conflic and processes of violence being fought at indigenous territories), which give rise to new reframings and conceptual, political and territorial boundaries. Therefore, indigenous autonomy needs to be reconsidered as a complex process, and analyzed as a an indigenous relational autonomy, since it articulates with specific negotiations and particular circumstances with diverse actors, in local, national and global scopes, and with partial and located processes having particular political implications. This paper is focused in the claims for autonomy by peoples kogui, arhuaco, wiwa and kankuamo from Santa Marta Snowy Mountain Range —SNSM—.

Key words: indigenous peoples, indigenous autonomy, indigenous relational autonomy, Santa Marta Snowy Mountain Range.