Marcos Díaz Videla
Instituto Iberoamericano de Antrozoología (IIAZ), Argentina


The human-animal bond has historically fluctuated, conditioned by our sociocultural tradition. In this evolution, pets played a prominent role, as their proximity to humans resulted in an ambivalence that brings into question the human-animal separation. His analysis identifies two complementary processes that favor interspecies proximity: anthropomorphism and anti-anthropocentric positioning. These reveal themselves most intensely in the bond with dogs and tend to challenge Western dichotomies such as person / non-person, human / animal, and subject / object. These trends, traditionally challenged as subversive, continue to be indiscriminately challenged on the grounds of their alleged negative impact on animal welfare, even though that claim has not been consistently stated in studies. Meanwhile, anthropomorphic selection —which goes clearly against animals— seems to find greater acceptance, as it does not bring into question the established human-animal distinction. The need to rethink dogs in their own specificity is highlighted, evaluating their well-being with intrinsic parameters.

Keywords: companion animals, anthropocentrism, anthropomorfism, pets, human-animal bond.