Issue 2

Evil Eye in Classical Ethnography and Post-Modern Clean-Up. A Comment on L. G. Vasco’s Anthropology

Franz Flórez, Universidad Central y Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Between Consensus and Hegemony. Notes on the Hegemonic Way of Modern Politics

Lawrence Grossberg, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Building Counterpowers to New Geo-Economic Wars. Ways towards Globalizing Resistance

Ulrich Oslender, University of Glasgow, Scotland UK

The Issue of Knowledge in Nietzsche’s Philosophy during his Intellectualist Period (1876- 1882)

Roch Little, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Grammar-Violence. A Significant RElation for Colombian Narrative in the Second Half of the 20 th Century

Cristo Rafael Figueroa Sánchez, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Juvenile Cultures and ‘Gendered Networks’. Towards a New Analytic Approach on Youth Contemporaneity in Colombia

Leonardo Montenegro Martínez, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca y Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Provisional Habitat and Dwelling for Emergencies

Fernando Gordillo Bedoya, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Realities and Falacies in Social Fabric Reconstruction among Displaced People

Uva Falla Ramírez y Yuri A. Chávez, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Urban Agapes. A Look on the Link between Electronic Musich and Communitas in the city of Bogotá

María Angélica Ospina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Among Champetuous, Puppies, and Hard-Corers. Juvenile Identities in Santa Marta

Jorge Giraldo, Juan Kay Mejía, Alfonso Julián Montalvo, Universidad del Magdalena Eduardo Restrepo, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca y University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Dictation as a Communicative Task

Daniel Cassany, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

The Critical Workshop. A proposal for Interactive Work

Martha Cecilia Andrade Calderón y Clarena Muñoz Dagua, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

The Teacher as a Life Educator and Grower

Nahyr Remolina de Cleves, Bertha Marlén Velásquez y María Graciela Calle M., Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Evil, Freedom, and Progress in G. W. Leibniz’ Theory of Damnation

Ramiro Rodríguez Beltrán, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca