Issue 15

How does mind and concept mapping strategy stimulate spatial intelligence development among university students?

Aida Ximena León Guatame Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia Bertha Marlén Velásquez Burgos Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia Abstract: This paper makes explicit the results of the research project entitled How does mind and concept mapping strategy stimulate visual-spatial intelligence development among university students?, which was developed in the framework […]

Intervention in the social domain and the construction of a political project in social work

Uva Falla Ramírez Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia Sandra Gómez Contreras Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia Ramiro Rodríguez B. Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia Abstract: Intervention in social work is characterised by the different contexts of work built by social workers, where critical reflection enriches professional formation and projection […]

Analyzing life stories: methodological and epistemological reflections

Albertina Pretto Università degli Studi di Trento, Italia Abstract: This paper reviews the diverse ways to analyze the texts made from biographical interviews (life stories). Keywords: life stories, qualitative analysis, patterns, techniques.

Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon. Variations on the colonial/decolonial archive

Alejandro de Oto Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas- (CONICET)-, Argentina Abstract: This paper focuses in weaving a notion of archive with heterogeneous materiales gathered from different registers in Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon’s writings. In order to do that, special attention is given to the dimension of body, which is especially present […]

Transdisciplinarity: method and politics. A first-person journey from philosophy

Carlos Arturo Lopez Pontifcia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia Abstract: This paper shows, from a philosophical approach, the effort to traverse disciplines critically, leaving aside the pressure imposed by the idea of the “advance of learnings”. Instead of rejecting the disciplinary practice, here is a proposal for an attitude taking advantage of such a practice —first […]

The New Right of Cultural Studies —Creative Industries

Toby Miller University of California, Riverside, USA Abstract: Creative-industries discourse represents the most interesting and productive response to a crisis of relevance for the humanities and the emergence of a knowledge society. Its impact has been felt across the world, not least in the hitherto-progressive field of cultural studies, where we see a New […]

Anthropology and cultural studies: between theorizing politics and politicizing theory

Inge Helena Valencia Universidad ICESI,Colombia Abstract: To think the relationship between anthropology and cultural studies is a topic full of questions and strains due to overlapping fields, subjects and methodologies. For instance, both anthropology and cultural studies ask themselves about the relationship between culture and politics, but how is the relationship between the cultural and […]

Anthropology and cultural studies in Colombia. Emergencies, emplacements, challenges

Axel Rojas Universidad del Cauca, Colombia Abstract: This paper aims to sketch a map on the origins and localization processes undergone by anthropology and cultural studies in Colombia. To accomplish this, I will refer to their respective historical contexts of emergence, whose particularities and differences are found relevant to understand both projects’ objects of […]

Some quips on the cultural studies-anthropology couple in Colombia

Alhena Caicedo Universidad ICESI, Colombia Abstract: The relationship between anthropology and cultural studies has given rise to various academic debates dating back from several years ago. Not only “generational” conflicts have been brought to light fostered by the undisciplining social sciences. Furthermore, those debates have put on the table certain discussions on the situated character […]

Intersections between anthropology and cultural studies: an analysis on the “political” and the politics in our field of study

Diana Bocarejo Universidad del Rosario, Colombia Abstract: In spite of their mutual caricaturization, anthropology and cultural studies share a set of analytical approaches which could result in immensely fruitful dialogues. In this brief reflection I intend to present some contributions from both fields of study compared to the analysis both theoretical and empirical on “the […]

On desires, interventions and trajectories: anthropology and cultural studies in Colombia

Juan Ricardo Aparicio Universidad de los Andes, Colombia Abstract: In this paper, I will give a look to the relationship between anthropology and cultural studies through a common research platform on the relationship between culture and power. Thus, far from following the stereotypes under which anthropology and cultural studies are called in Colombia, this […]