María Graciela Calle
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia


The brief historical journey that opens this article serves as a point of departure to address the subsequent issues, such as improving education of values, recuperate those values that are indispensable for the construction of citizenship, knowing and defending fundamental liberties of belief, expression, publication, association, manifestation and civilized protest, and the right of petition. Directives and coordinates of citizen formation are personal dignity, liberty and justice, among other values. Without loosing sight of the axiological models of the old continent, the article reflects about Latin-American ethnic thought and its immense possibilities for the construction of a new person with essentially human values, which is only achieved through education geared towards freedom, and development of ethical-moral potentialities that lead to a authentic formation; thus ethics and axiology in Latin America are enriched with relevant proposals by experts that aim for an education of values in accordance with the being and Latin-American idiosyncrasies.

Keywords: ethical formation, citizen competencies, values, education, patriotism.