Oscar Guardiola-Rivera 
University of London, Birkbeck College, UK

Slavoj Žižek
University of London, Birkbeck College, UK


Part of an extensive dialogue and debate still in progress, this fragment concentrates on three topics: the catastrophic equilibrium between democracy and crisis, the relationship between philosophy and the current situation, and the future of radical politics in the current world. These topics are analyzed from the diverging yet related points of views of both thinkers, in connection with the achievements and challenges of political transformation in Latin America, and with a common ambition: to recuperate the role of thought and the truth about anti-intellectualism that characterizes current political life and academia, and exploring the possible consequences of said recuperation or distinction in light of the activity of those that continue to fight, in a disciplined and responsible way, for a New future, not connected to the available possibilities in the current situation.

Keywords: big Other, relationship Being-Thinking, democracy, crisis. transgressive violence, significant master, rebelliousness and method, poetics of resistance, separation and removal, groups among the poor, auto-abolition.